How I Have Endless Content Ideas? Blueprint That Works for Me, and You Can Apply Immediately.

Be an idea machine

Image source: Canva

Since I learned The 4A Framework in Ship 30 for 30 I never run out of ideas.

The framework’s four content types:

  1. Actionable: “Here’s how”
  2. Analytical: “Here’s what”
  3. Aspirational: “Yes, you can”
  4. Anthropological: “Here’s why”

Ship 30 teaches you to write atomic content and share it for feedback on X.

What does this mean?

It means sharing 1 piece of advice with your 3-years-ago self.

It means not sharing 5 or 7 pieces of advice with your 3-years-ago self.

Even if you have 7 pieces of advice, break them down and share them separately in their own atomic post, ensuring a steady flow of ideas.

Another example: instead of listing several books that influenced you on a certain topic, create individual posts for each book. This strategy not only provides clarity but also multiplies your content, turning what could be a single article into several impactful pieces.